Thursday, May 6, 2010

25 Weeks!

I had my gestational diabetes test yesterday. Had a boring hour in between drinking a sugary solution and waiting for them to take my blood, but the test came back within normal glucose limits so that's good. The midwife checked my fundal height for the first time and said I'm at 26 centimeters, which is around where we should be (plus or minus 2 cm she said). She also checked his heart rate with the doppler and said that he's got a good strong heart beat. So far, so good!

How far along? 25 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Up 7 lbs (added 2 lbs this week, uh oh!)
Maternity clothes? getting freebies is awesome!
Stretch marks?Unfortunately, yes.
Sleep? I need a snuggle....
Best moment this week? Feeling Bennett kick strong enough to move my arm!
Movement: He's a dancing baby, no doubt about it! I think he does it a lot when I'm bored, maybe he's bored too. lol
Food cravings: cheese, pizza, Reese's peanut butter cups, Reese's puffs cereal, ice cream...
Gender: BOY!
Belly button in or out? Still in, but it's starting to pop.
What I miss? Nothing in particular lately.
What I am looking forward to? How far along? 24 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Up 5 lbs
Maternity clothes? Needing to buy more...
Stretch marks?Unfortunately, yes.
Sleep? Not as easy as it used to be....
Best moment this week? Feeling the baby kicking stronger and more frequent.
Movement: Feeling the baby more strongly. He's definitely stretching out and doing his exercises in there!
Food cravings: cheese, pizza, Reese's peanut butter cups, Reese's puffs cereal, ice cream...
Gender: BOY!
Belly button in or out? Still in, but it's starting to pop.
What I miss? Besides wine, I'm really loving this pregnancy!
What I am looking forward to? Putting his dresser together, getting Mark to paint the baby's room...
Weekly wisdom: Enjoy every moment!
Milestones: Stronger kicks!