Monday, December 28, 2009

How Big Is Baby?

How Big Is Baby?

We have a heart beat!

Just got back from the ultrasound appointment. Baby is measuring 6w1d, which they said isn't far off from where I would ideally be with an "ideal" ovulation date (and I ovulated late). Baby's heartrate was 117, which the tech said is right in the normal range. The tech checked for bleeding quite a few times and said she didn't see any, and said that was a very good sign. Not sure on the betas yet, as they FORGOT to order them last time around (grrr) so we'll have to wait until tomorrow for the betas from today's blood draw.

The midwife we met with today was, in DH's words "wishy-washy". She said it's a viable pregnancy, but went back and forth about the spotting I've been having, and asked if we wanted me to have a doctor's note to get out of working (after saying that studies showed no relation between bed rest and preventing miscarriage). She just wasn't terribly optimistic about our chances, which was a bummer. We're choosing to ignore her Debby Downer attitude until we have a reason to believe things aren't going according to plan.

So far, so good!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tentatively optimistic

So here were are on day 2 of Operation Sticky Baby. I tested again this morning using my Dollar Store cheapies as we as the Digital and had a faint positive on the cheapie, but a confirmed "pregnant" on the digital. So far, so good.

Symptoms this morning:
  • incredibly hungry when I woke up
  • incredibly nauseous as I was blow drying my hair and getting ready
  • upset stomach at work
I'll be calling the doctor's office this morning at some point to make an appointment. I don't know if they'll want to see me right away to confirm with a blood test, or if they'll just make me wait a few weeks. I'm hoping they'll have me come in at 6 weeks so we can tell my parents before winter break is over. I'd like to make a surprise trip assuming this all pans out the way it should.

Today's motto: Today I'm pregnant and I love my baby.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009