Thursday, July 29, 2010

37 weeks -- Full Term!

Ah, so here we are, at "full term" status. What does that mean, exactly? A whole lot of nada. Baby really hasn't dropped, no mucus plug, no real contractions. I have been feeling stronger cramps (very much like menstrual cramps) but nothing at all regular and usually not even once a day. Baby's been moving a lot, even though he must be running out of wiggle room in there. I don't feel like I look 37 weeks (some people have also made this comment) and I don't know what to think. The midwives don't seem to be concerned, and so far I've measured ok, so I guess it's not really something to worry about. JJ's been sticking fairly close but I think that's just him, if the cat starts sitting with me regularly I'll start to think something's up. :-)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

36 week til "full term" status!

Wow, time is just flying by now! I'm pretty much out of projects (although I keep finding sewing projects to make for Bennett to make my days more productive), the baby's room is ready, and we're one week away from "full term"! I'd like him to stay at least a week or two after that just to make sure he gets to cook as long as he needs to. I'm starting to get really really nervous/scared, mostly about the labor and delivery portion. I really want to avoid using an epidural/pitocin as long as possible, but I know that means that I'll experience more pain than if I went with the epidural right away. I'm not ruling out pain killers altogether, I just want to see how far along I can go without it. I'm not a pain med person by nature (I don't even really use anything for headaches or menstrual cramps) so we'll see how that goes....

I read someone else's blog recently who had gone into labor at 36 weeks (and 2 days), and that freaks me out a little bit. I know I have no control over when things start moving along, but that's really early! I haven't had a lot of issues with this pregnancy (thank goodness, I thank my lucky stars every day/night!) so I'm enjoying being pregnant. I know there are lots of changes in the very near future and I'm getting a bit apprehensive! I hope I make a good mommy!!!

How far along? 36 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Around 15 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Most definitely.
Stretch marks?Yes and I HATE them. But I knew I was destined to have them. I just hate how ugly they look.
Sleep? Still not sleeping much at night. I'm trying to curb my napping habits during the day but it's not working very well...
Best moment this week? Having Mark see the baby moving from the other side of the couch. When he gets moving, he's really all over the place!
Movement: Moving a lot! Some painful rolling from one side to the other, very strange feeling!
Food cravings: cheese, pizza, Reese's peanut butter cups, Reese's puffs cereal, ice cream...
Gender: BOY!
Belly button in or out? Mostly out now. My laproscopy surgery scar is making it look a little weird.
What I miss? Being able to sleep on my back!
What I am looking forward to? Meeting my little guy!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


How far along? 35 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Around 15 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Most definitely.
Stretch marks?Unfortunately, yes.
Sleep? Not so much at night, making up for it during the day. Bad habit to start, but I suppose the baby will be on the same page!
Best moment this week? Seeing my husband doing his own version of nesting -- insisting on getting rid of our couch, buying a new one at IKEA, and putting it together all in one day!
Movement: Moving a lot! Some painful rolling from one side to the other, very strange feeling!
Food cravings: cheese, pizza, Reese's peanut butter cups, Reese's puffs cereal, ice cream...
Gender: BOY!
Belly button in or out? Mostly out now. My laproscopy surgery scar is making it look a little weird.
What I miss? Being able to sleep on my back!
What I am looking forward to? Meeting my little guy!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

34 Weeks! 3 Weeks Til Full Term!

How far along? 34 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Around 10 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Most definitely. Also used the maternity swim suit for the first time last week, probably will use it again if it keeps getting so freaking hot!
Stretch marks?Unfortunately, yes.
Sleep? Not so much at night, making up for it during the day. Bad habit to start, but I suppose the baby will be on the same page!
Best moment this week? Washing the baby clothes. Makes it more real!
Movement: Moving a lot! Some painful rolling from one side to the other, very strange feeling!
Food cravings: cheese, pizza, Reese's peanut butter cups, Reese's puffs cereal, ice cream...
Gender: BOY!
Belly button in or out? Mostly out now. My laproscopy surgery scar is making it look a little weird.
What I miss? Being able to sleep on my back!
What I am looking forward to? August!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

She's Crafty!

Here is the first sleepsack I've sewn myself. I bought a pattern by Burda and HATED everything about it, including the directions. So I had to do a bit of ad-libbing on the pattern itself. I used flannel fabric and made the 3 month size. I'm tempted to try to tweak the pattern again to make a smaller size, but since I don't have a baby to test-drive them on yet I'm not sure....


Nursery is 99% complete!

All that we're missing is the crib, my dad is building it and will bring it up when he's finished. Here are the photos of the nursery!
(note: the "crib" in the photo is our bassinet that will be moved to sit next to my side of the bed when the baby comes, it's just a place holder right now while we wait for the crib)

Here are the letters we painted and put up. The swing was a craigslist find, and there's the "placeholder" bassinet. We also put up the wallpaper border ourselves (it has fishies on it if you can't see it clearly).

Since we're in a condo, we have to use the baby's room as our office, so this is the "office" corner, along with the changing table/dresser.

This is the glider and the bookshelf/storage shelf. The blanket on the glider was a gift from my aunt.

And here are the curtains (made from sari fabric) that I put up in place of the white metal bi-fold doors that were the bane of my existence. They were too much of a pain to repair, so Mark took them down. We needed something to hide all the baby paraphenalia that we have hiding back there, so I hung up some old sari fabric I hadn't been able to find a use for in years. If you look closely in the previous photo you can see the remnant of the same fabric covering the bookshelf/storage shelf!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

33 Weeks!

How far along? 33 weeks
Weight gain/loss: Around 10 lbs. It's plateaued recently.
Maternity clothes? Bought a maternity swim suit, but haven't ventured outside in public with it just yet.
Stretch marks?Unfortunately, yes.
Sleep? Not so much at night, making up for it during the day. Bad habit to start, but I suppose the baby will be on the same page!
Best moment this week? Realizing we have less than 50 days left til the baby comes!
Movement: Moving a lot, but not so much today. Must be in a growth spurt?
Food cravings: cheese, pizza, Reese's peanut butter cups, Reese's puffs cereal, ice cream...
Gender: BOY!
Belly button in or out? Mostly out now. My laproscopy surgery scar is making it look a little weird.
What I miss? Being able to sleep on my back!
What I am looking forward to? August!