Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stole this updater from a friend:

WEEK: 15
WEIGHT: 15 lbs, 11 oz as of last week
LENGTH: not sure (checkup next week) 
HEAD: not sure
MILESTONES: He's started grabbing things that we hand to him, instead of just finding them by accident.
EATING: Breastmilk only. We do wonder if he'll get the ok to start solids soon, but we're in no hurry!
SLEEPING: After fighting off his cold last week, it looks like we're back to sleeping through the night, usually 9:30-6:00 (although the past two nights it was 3 and 4...)
VISITS/OUTINGS: Lots of visits last week for Thanksgiving! Had a great time with his Grandma and Grandpa Bennett!
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: Sleeping, talking to Mommy and Daddy, pooping.... ;-)
MOMMY FEELS: like if someone said it was ok to stay home and not work, I'd do it in a heartbeat!! There isn't enough time in the day anymore to spend with my little guy!
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Everything! Every day there's something new. I love learning new things about him!

Time flies!

Wow, how times flies when you're busy with a newborn/infant! I've meant to post since he was born but honestly it never crosses my mind. But I promise from here on out I'll try to be more on top of things, especially since I'd like to save this for posterity later!

Ben is now almost 4 months, and has changed so much! He's such a happy baby, while he was NOT at 1 month. We still have him on Zantac, but it seems to be helping the reflux. I do wonder when we should try weaning him off of it to see if he still really needs it, but I'm afraid that he'll be in pain while we're experimenting.

Anyway, other than that he's doing great! He's good and chunky, always has a smile ready for us (but not when I pick him up for daycare, curiously enough...I think he doesn't realize it's me until I get him home!) and is learning all sorts of new (loud) noises. We're falling more and more in love with him everyday, and it seems like he thinks we're pretty awesome too! :-)