Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Wow, I'm a slacker!

So I just realized I haven't posted on here in a year! Ooops! A lot has happened the past year, and I should probably start keeping track of everything Ben is doing now!

MONTH: 13 

LENGTH: 30 in
HEAD: not sure
MILESTONES: OMG...walking!!
EATING: He will eat just about anything at this point, although we think strawberries might make him rashy. Haven't tried them again to be sure.
SLEEPING: Champion sleeper! Usually asleep by 8:00, 8:30, and up again by 9:00!
VISITS/OUTINGS: We went to the park this week and got to play on the "big kid" equipment! A little scared of slides though...
FAVORITE ACTIVITIES: Walking, talking about everything in his language, screaming at the cat and the dog...
MOMMY FEELS: like time is going by so fast!!
WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FORWARD TO: Everything! Every day there's something new. I love learning new things about him!